Crankyoldlesbianmom’s Weblog

Life Can Be Good Sometimes

This Is What I Did Yesterday – For Obama September 13, 2008

Filed under: Individual Action — crankyoldlesbianmom @ 2:45 am
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This morning, I woke up angry about what the McCain/Palin Liars Club has been putting out there.

Not only have they been lying about Obama, but now they’re lying about themselves and some people believe it because of the massive advertising campaign he’s been able to launch.

If I truly want to see Obama/Biden win – keep my country free and strong – I have to put my money where my mouth is.

Without going into a lot of details, let me just say that I’m on a very low fixed income.  It’s a couple hundred over $500.00. 

I sent Obama $10.00 today.  Not much but truly all I can. 

Then I got on the phone.  I called my kids, my aunt and my friends and asked them to send $10.00 because if I could find it in my wallet, they can too. 

So far my tally is $110.00,  that I know of.  That’s just me, making 8 calls this morning. 

I sent my motor mouth queen out to fund raise, one on one. Also asked everyone to call their friends and ask for the same.  Who can’t send $10.00?  Truly – $10.00.

If one of my friends can afford $25.00 or more, I asked if they could send that.  But all I asked them to do was commit to $10.00 – and it worked.

I hope everyone of the people I asked will let me know if they got others to do this. 

I wonder how much I can raise today.

Truly people should put their money where their mouth is.

By 11:00 p.m. my total was $731.00 with more promised to be sent to Obama in the next two weeks.

I’m pretty damn happy with that.